Healthy Gluten Free Quinoa (Irish Pancakes)

Today we celebrate Shrove Tuesday, (the day before Ash Wednesday), and a time marked for feasting before the beginning of lent.  Traditionally its a time to use up any food that would not be part of the 40 days of fasting during Lent; so those more pleasurable foods such as eggs, dairy and meat are enjoyed in abundance.  Growing up my mother made very think pancakes more similar to french Crepes as opposed the the thicker American pancakes.  Boxty Pancakes are also very popular made with left over mashed potatoes and freshly grated potatoes and fried in the pan. But, I am excited to share a new pancake recipe with you that’s not only gluten free but includes protein packed quinoa.

This recipe is part of my 2017 Aprons Publix cooking schools tour sponsored by Kerrygold Irish butter and cheese and includes my yummy Dubliner…. So, how can you go wrong…?  Those of you who live in the cities of Sarasota, Tampa, Lakeland, Orlando, Jacksonville, Tallahassee and Atlanta please come and see me at the Aprons cooking school near you…. So, here’s the recipe for all to enjoy…

Dubliner Quinoa Pancakes


1/2 medium yellow onion, chopped

2 cups cooked quinoa

1/2 large red bell pepper, chopped

1/2 cup shredded Kerrygold Dubliner Cheese

2 Tbsp morgue flour (or other gluten free based flour)

1 egg plus 2 egg whites, lightly beaten

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon Chile powder

Pinch sea salt

Dash black pepper

1/2 avocado, peeled and chopped

1/2 medium tomato, chopped

Olive oil cooking spray


Combine onion, quinoa, bell pepper, cheese, egg and egg whites, garlic and Chile powder, salt and pepper in a medium mixing bowl and mix gently with a spoon or spatula.  Heat a large skillet sprayed with cooking spray over medium-high heat.  Using a ½-cup measuring cup, measure half cup portions of the quinoa mixture and turn out into the pan, flattening each until 1/2-inch thick.  Cook for 2 to 3 minutes, or until bottom is browned and the cake is firm.  Flip  the pancakes over and cook for an additional 2 minutes.  Top each serving with half the chopped avocado and tomato, dividing equally. If serving as individual cakes, top each with 1 tablespoon of chopped avocado and tomato.  Makes 6 cakes.

Wishing everyone a blessed Shrove Tuesday!

Judith the Irish foodie